Students create AI that can guess your location from a single image

Charles Ndubuisi
2 Min Read

Over the years, the world has been constantly introduced to innovative technology, shaping the future of humanity.

One of the most recent technologies, AI (Artificial intelligence), is gaining worldwide spread in its innovations and capabilities in diverse problem-solving issues.

According to many, it’s only a matter of time before we reach the stage we are in right now. “What stage might that be?” is the question I believe you have in mind. We are talking about the stage where developers can create a system capable of putting the world in turmoil.

Entering the center stage is a new AI project that can give the exact location of every outdoor picture ever taken. PIGEON, or Predicting Image Geolocations, is a project designed to determine the locations of Google Street View images. When given personal images, PIGEON successfully found the locations with high accuracy.

This technology has serious privacy issues written all over it. Implications like corporate and government use to track individuals across the planet, to a stalker who can easily get the location of the next target. It is important to note that if this technology falls into the wrong hands, there will be chaos.

The Creators

PIGEON (Predicting Image Geolocations) is the creation of three students at Stanford University as a school project.

Unforeseen by them, the school project went on to attract individuals from the government and companies. All seeking to understand how the software would influence the world for good and bad.

The creators are aware of the privacy and security concerns as feedback keeps pouring in. They have decided not to release the project to the public.

However, the mind-boggling begins once you wonder about the extent companies such as Google could go with a version of theirs.

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