OpenAI Converge 2 Invites Global Innovators to Shape the Future

3 Min Read

In pursuit of its mission to catalyze groundbreaking advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and foster transformative startups, the OpenAI Startup Fund stands on two foundational beliefs.

The first centers on the conviction that emerging and robust AI systems will pave the way for a new wave of innovative startups. The second shows the role these startups will play in harnessing AI as a force multiplier for human ingenuity and creativity.

Reflecting this commitment, OpenAI launched Converge in December 2022, a program aimed at accelerating startups at the forefront of the AI evolution and pushing the boundaries of applied AI in critical domains.

Since its inception, artificial intelligence has captivated the world’s imagination. Visionaries and builders across the globe are leveraging AI to reshape humanity’s most crucial industries. The capabilities of AI models are experiencing unprecedented expansion, while the cost of developing new AI products continues to decrease.

Despite these strides, OpenAI believes we are still in the nascent stages of the AI revolution, with immense untapped potential awaiting exploration.

Converge 2, Shaping the Future of AI Innovation

OpenAI is now accepting applications for Converge 2, the second cohort of its six-week program designed for exceptional engineers, designers, researchers, and product builders dedicated to using AI to reimagine the world.

Through a combination of tech talks, office hours, social events, and discussions with leading practitioners, participants will delve into the most significant opportunities and challenges of building at the cutting edge of AI.

As an added incentive, selected participants will receive a $1 million investment from the OpenAI Startup Fund and become part of a dynamic community of builders.

OpenAI encourages founders from diverse backgrounds, disciplines, and experience levels to apply. Prior experience working with AI systems is not a prerequisite for application.

The organization is particularly enthusiastic about hearing from founders representing underrepresented backgrounds and those based outside the United States, emphasizing a commitment to global inclusivity and diversity in shaping the future of AI.

Application Details

Founders eager to be part of this transformative journey are invited to submit their applications before Friday, January 26, 2024, at 11:59 pm Pacific. The application form is available on the OpenAI website, providing an opportunity for visionaries worldwide to contribute to the next phase of AI innovation.

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